The Film Stage

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[Merrill’s Review] Precious

Lionsgate| USA | 110 mins Precious is a very powerful and very disturbing film. It makes the audience truly appreciate the main necessities of life (food...
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Jackass 3D Hitting Screens In 2010

I'll repeat that, Jackass 3D. Yup, it's happening. According Cinematical Jackass cast member Bam Margera apparently confirmed that filming would begin this ...
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Does iTunes Extras Spell The Demise of Hard Media?

The other day fellow Film Stage writer Hash Aguirre told me he purchased J.J. Abrams' summer hit Star Trek on iTunes via a digital file. I was extremely confused when he told me this because like me, Hash is a big time hard disc media supporter. This is when he hit me with a bomb shell I was never expecting [...]...
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[Merrill’s Review] 2012

Columbia Pictures | USA | 158 mins Roland Emmerich’s latest piece of world destruction cinema not only pushes the bounds of awful storytelling but mana...
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[Merrill’s Review] The Box

I am still living in the enjoyable world of Donnie Darko when it comes to writer/director Richard Kelly. But after seeing his latest film, The Box, the film adaptation to Richard Matheson's short story Button, Button, which Kelly adapted himself, I am beginning to fear that he’s never going to be able to achieve that level of filmmaking again. While The Box does deliver on the classic confusion aspect that the young director is so well known for, and does look pretty good doing it, much of the film is left unanswered and becomes intolerable....