Pixar has debuted the new teaser trailer for the upcoming third entry into the Toy Story saga. The Lee Unkrich-directed animation features the voices of Tom...
James Cameron's upcoming sci-fi 3D epic Avatar is quite possibly the most secret project in Hollywood now. Little is known, so every bit of information is w...
The trailer for David Twohy's A Perfect Getaway has debuted. The thriller stars Steve Zahn and Milla Jovovich as a couple who take a vacation to a remote is...
THR is reporting that Adam Brody (The Ten, In The Land of Women) and Sean William Scott (Role Models, Southland Tales) are joining Bruce Willis and Tracy Mo...
Variety is reporting that director Juan Antonio Bayona and writer Sergio Sanchez, behind the great 2007 thriller The Orphange, have teamed up for his second...
Editor's Note: Hello Film Stagers! I will use this post as a platform for some recent news. I received an internship in NYC so I will be there the whole summer!...
October 16th, 2009 is shaping up to be the greatest release date in movie history, well at least in recent memory. Vivendi Entertainment has revealed the an...
As if you didn't need another reason to see Pixar's Up, voice actor John Ratzenberger tells UGO the trailer for the third Toy Story 3 will be playing before...
The trailer for John Hillcoat's The Road is finally here. The film which was delayed from last year's Oscar season stars Viggo Mortensen in a post-apocalypt...
The trailer for Rob Marshall's (Chicago) Nine has premiered on Apple in HD and brings us the picture of the century (see above). The film is a musical adapt...
Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.