Reports here and there are saying this and that and the third about bankrupt Halycon and their Terminator rights, which they are looking to sell off. Possibly to Lionsgate it would appear....
Vera Farmiga is in talks and Michelle Monaghan is set to star alongside Jake Gyllenhaal in Duncan Jones' next film, Source Code, which is being financed by Vendome Pictures and the Mark Gordon Company to be distributed by Summit Entertainment....
With Brooklyn's Finest coming out in March, filmmaker Antoine Fuqua is prepping his next action-fused dramafest: an adaptation of Vince Flynn's novel Consent to Kill, for the new film production division CBS Entertainment....
Sony Pictures has decided to reboot the Spiderman franchise by replacing all involved with the original trilogy. Including Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire....
With print news dying faster and faster each day, many publications are implementing pay-walls on to their Web sites, attempting to salvage dwindling profits. For Variety, it seems their new pay-wall (which began on December 10th, 2009) is not panning out that way....
House arrest/actual jail time hasn't (and apparently will not) prevent filmmaker Roman Polanski from getting his newest film, The Ghost Writer, off the ground and into theaters....
Warner Brothers has acquired the rights to Chan-Wook's Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, the first film in his revenge trilogy, which also includes Oldboy and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, in that order...
Is The Wolfman getting cut up once again? By someone else? What is going on with this movie? Literally a month before its February 12th release, the news has been all over the place....
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.