Name three great videogame movies. Okay, name two. One?

If you were able to do any of the above, chances are you’re either immensely in love with anything related to videogames, or your standards for adapting that medium are extremely low.

The genre within Hollywood has been lackluster, to say the least, with only a few nuggets of decent films shining through (The first Resident Evil and Tomb Raider films were harmless fun), and it appears only the likes of David O. Russell has real ambitions of making something worthwhile. However, Screen Gems (the studio behind the highly lucrative and equally bland Resident Evil franchise) begs to differ.

The production company is hoping to make lightning strike twice with an upcoming adaptation of the much-loved Devil May Cry series (from Capcom, developers of Resident Evil), with a soon-to-be screenplay from Kyle Ward (Fiasco Heights, Kane & Lynch). The plot “revolves around Dante, who avenges his mother’s death by killing off demons.” [Variety] No word yet on the involvement of specific characters, a director, or who will fill Dante’s shoes.

Although I try to whet my appetite with gaming as often as I can spare, I’ve only played the second and fourth installments in the franchise. That said, they’re fun enough with a controller in hand, but when it comes to the big screen treatment, studios have yet to justify watching a game rather than playing it. With so little to go on at this point, I won’t hold my breath in hopes that they can switch things up.

What do you think of Screen Gems adapting Devil May Cry? Are you a fan of the franchise?

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