New York Magazine caught up with Sex and the City’s Mr. Big, Chris Noth, at the premiere of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s directorial debut Jack Goes Boating (check out my review here.) When asked about the popular franchise that had a rough summer with the critically panned sequel, Sex and the City 2, Noth sneered:

It’s over. The franchise is dead. The press killed it. Your magazine fucking killed it. New York Magazine. It’s like all the critics got together and said, ‘This franchise must die.’ Because they all had the exact same review. It’s like they didn’t see the movie.”

Full Disclosure: I was a huge SATC fan, but after the rough ride that was the first movie and the trainwreck that was the ad campaign for the second – they lost me. I’m hoping Noth’s right, and the sassy girls with puns and party dresses have been put out to pasture before they embarrass themselves – and those of us who loved them – any further.

Are you upset SATC is dead?

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