Just last night we reported that a G.I. Joe sequel was indeed happening. Now Collider has exclusive news that those writers will be Zombieland’s Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. This is the same duo that will be taking on Deadpool for Fox. As Devin Faraci says “I guess Rheese and Wernick are the new Orci and Kurtzman. But with ‘writing ability.'”

This news bumped my interest in a sequel to G.I. Joe from zero to definitely interested. Zombieland was a wildly inventive and, most importantly, extremely fun film. The recent G.I. Joe was none of those things, so I hope they can turn it around. No word yet if Stephen Sommers will be returning to direct

Now that the Zombieland team is on the G.I. Joe sequel are you  interested?

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