David O. Russell gave an early comedic jumpstart to Ben Stiller in Flirting with Disaster. Now will he give a much-needed jumpstart to a comedic great past his prime? 24 Frames thinks that may be the case.

It is reported he “is very much in consideration” to direct the comedy Under Cover with Jim Carrey to lead. It is being described as a “heartwarming but broadly comic story of a man winning back his family and re-discovering his voice by performing some of the greatest hits of classic rock in the unlikely company of a cover band.”

We recently debuted the trailer for O. Russell’s upcoming drama The Fighter starring Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg. Mandeville, the company behind that, is also coming on Under Cover. It is set up at Summit.

There is no word about his recently announced road trip comedy Old St. Louis with Vince Vaughn, but it looks like he will decide between this or Carrey’s film. I liked Carrey in Yes Man, but I’d love to see him get paired up with an excellent director.

The Fighter hits theaters December 10th.

Do you think O. Russell should work with Carrey?

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