After the September 2006 release of Jackass 2 we saw an online special created from leftover footage titled Jackass 2.5. Four years later, the Jackass gang has returned with their latest Jackass 3D and scored an insane gross of $50.4 million this past weekend. With all the antics in Jackass 3D there was bound to be another special akin to 2.5 around the corner.

Now, LA Times is reporting that is the case and we may be seeing it on the big screen before any type of home release. Lead star Johnny Knoxville told them there is enough for an entire 2nd film:

We shot two movies’ worth of footage. We have so many bits that we never even turned in to Paramount because we were so swamped with ideas — funny stuff. The bits were just coming out of us left and right.

Paramount was indeed going to use this extra footage for another special like the one that came three months after Jackass 2. But with the massive opening, they are thinking about an entire second wide theatrical release. A source “said that Paramount will likely decide about where and when to release the Jackass 3D follow-up in the next few days.”

Want a hint at some of the extras? If you have seen the film, you know all about Will the Farter. In “one of the best bits” that was cut, Steve-O revealed that the man used the infamous blowgun to launch darts directly at a target on his face. Steve-O knows how vital a scene like that is as well:

How are you going to leave out the scene where a guy farts darts into another guy’s face? You know you’re working with some high-quality material if you’re leaving something like that out.

Although Jackass 3D ends with a swan song of sorts, director Jeff Tremaine has said that the “cast and crew have filmed every movie as if it will be their final one and had no plans to shoot more.” Adding, “it doesn’t take a whole lot of skill to do what these guys do. As long as they’re brave enough to do it, they can go on as long as they want.”

With Paramount’s threequel set to gross well over $100 million I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this extra footage formed into a full-fledged film by next spring. The brilliance of this latest film is the gang knew it was time to take a break and then returned nearly half a decade later to make a splash. If we see a new Jackass film every year, I’m afraid it may wear out its welcome.

Do actually want to see more Jackass or have you grown tired of it?

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