The one movie that seems to have everyone frothing at the mouth (besides Inception) is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, based on the popular graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley and directed by Edgar Wright, who so far has a perfect track record, both his previous films Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz praised as cinematic gems.

The story of Scott Pilgrim is about a love sick bass player who must defeat seven evil ex-boyfriends before being allowed to date his dream girl Ramona Flowers. Universal Pictures just released promo posters to introduce each of these adversaries to the moviegoing public. Check em out below and let us know what you think and which one is your favorite:

Matthew Patel

Lucas Lee

Todd Ingram

Roxy Richter

Kyle & Ken Katayanagi

Gideon Graves

What do you think of these posters? Are you excited for Scott Pilgrim?

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