
After New Moon‘s massive box office take of $140.7 million (the 3rd highest opening weekend of all time) Variety has a report on director Chris Weitz. The article confirms his next film will be The Gardener, about “a hard-working immigrant who lives in Los Angeles and his efforts to protect his son” with production to start in March or April. Weitz also denies previous rumors about his retirement. He says New Moon has “invigorated him” after his terrible experience with New Line and The Golden Compass. The film was taken away from him and New Line ripped out 30 minutes of footage, losing any relevance to the original Philip Pullman books. Weitz is is happy New Moon did better than Compass, saying:

It was an utter violation of my status as a director and the worst thing that has happened to me professionally. I was treated badly, it was almost like they never read the books [in regards to The Golden Compass]. They seemed frightened of offending the right. This [New Moon] was a wonderful experience by comparison. I got to work with terrific young actors at the top of their game, and see Taylor Lautner perform so well.

Are you happy Weitz isn’t retiring? What kind if project would you like him to see take on?

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