The Los Angeles Times recently sat down with director Bryan Singer and producer Lauren Shuler Donner to talk the X-Men franchise. We already know Singer is attached to direct X-Men: First Class, but we got some updates on the project, as well as possible interest in other X-Men films. Check out the quotes below.

On ensemble superhero films and his turn to DC Comics for Superman Returns:

“I genuinely like the people, and my personality meshes more with this universe than it does with other universes, I think; I see that now at this point,” Singer said, no doubt referring to his defection to the DC Comics universe to make the oddly lifeless 2006 movie “Superman Returns.” “I feel a connection to the X-Men characters and also the ensemble nature of the films. If you look at ‘Usual Suspects” or my last film, ‘Valkyrie,’ I feel especially comfortable with ensemble juggling. In the space between all the characters you can disguise a central thought that’s hidden in all the discourse. I missed that with the singular relationship story of Superman. And, well, it always gives you something to cut to…”

On the upcoming X-Men: First Class:

X-Men: First Class [is] a prequel to the 2000 film that shares its name with the eight-issue comics series that began in 2006 and was written by Jeff Parker with art by Roger Cruz. Singer says the film will find its axis in the relationship between Professor X and Magneto and the point where their friendship soured. It will also detail the beginning of the school for mutants and have younger incarnations of some characters with new actors in roles of Cyclops, Jean Grey, the Beast, etc. (He only shrugged when asked if Hugh Jackman might appear as Wolverine, the one character who doesn’t age at the same rate as humans.)

Singer is signed on to Warner Bros’ Jack the Giant Killer, so he needs to work that out before headed back to the X-Men universe. This is what draws him to the First Class project:

The premise has compelling elements to it. Just doing younger mutants is not enough. The story needs to be more than that. I love the relationship between Magneto and Xavier, these two men who have diametrically opposite points of view but still manage to be friends — to a point. They are the ultimate frenemies.”

Singer has also been approached by Donner to do X-Men 4. Hugh Jackman even talked with him about taking on the current director-less Wolverine 2, which is set in Japan and shooting this January. Singer responded:

“I wish I could be four people,” the director said with a moan. “I could make everybody happy.”

Singer also told Donner (regarding X-Men 4):

“Hold that one off for just a little, I’m fixated on the other one right now.” She nodded and answered, “I will, I will … I’m holding it open with high hopes. It’s totally different [from ‘First Class’] and it will be so interesting for you.”

I really enjoy the first two X-Men films and I’m glad to see that Singer is so passionate about returning to the franchise. It will be interesting to see if he decides to take on any other X-Men films along with First Class. Check back with TFS for all X-Men updates.

What do you think about Bryan Singer taking on First Class? Would you want him to do X-Men 4 and Wolverine 2?

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