Every month or so we seem to receive a new rumor about the much-anticipated Arrested Development movie. Most recently, Michael Cera all but admitted that he was the cause for the delay. Now, thanks to an interview over at Coming Soon, Will Arnett had more to say about the matter. Check out the quote below.

“I’m so glad you asked that,” joked Arnett, who has been questioned about the series’ fate since it went off the air in 2006. “It’s very refreshing. We are working on the movie right now, yeah… We don’t have a completed script yet, but it’s forthcoming and we’re going to make the movie this year.”

He also sounded confident that production would start this year:

“That’s the plan,” said the actor in earnest, before deadpanning, “We’re hoping once Jason Bateman gets out of rehab. I think that we’re going to start shooting. Oh, was I not supposed to…? Please don’t air that.”

Hopefully we hear some more news in the coming months, such as a director. With (narrator) Ron Howard taking on the Vince Vaughn dramedy this spring, it looks like he will still have time the rest of the year if he wants to do the project. As a diehard fan of the show, I’m all for the film. Check back with The Film Stage for more updates as they arrive.

Do you think we will ever see an Arrested Development movie? If so, when?

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