According to Bleeding Cool Watchmen 2 might be one step closer to becoming a reality. According to solid rumors it seemed as though the greatest block to a sequel for the 2009 hit, was former DC Comics Publisher and President Paul Levitz. His concerns that a sequel would be against writers Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ wishes and his doubts on the film’s financial viability put a stop to any plans for Watchmen 2. As irony would have it, however, the Watchmen comic became DC’s best selling publication of all time after the movie put a spotlight on it.

Now that Paul Levitz has stepped down it was only a matter of time before rumors of its production started again;

“I understand now that this considered a pet project of Dan DiDio, SVP-Executive Editor. That he is determined to impress new bosses by building on DC’s biggest selling comic book of all time with multiple prequel comic miniseries and spinoff ongoing projects.” [Bleeding Cool]

Whether Moore and Gibbons are likely to agree to any such plans isn’t certain, but it is clear that Watchmen 2 isn’t quite dead yet. The only question left is how long will it take before it hits our cinemas?

Are you for or against a Watchmen sequel?

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