In a world where the Spider-Man series can get a reboot mere years after the previous one concluded, perhaps we shouldn’t be so surprised over this news. After The Butterfly Effect landed in 2004 to the tune of nearly $100 million, sequels were put in motion, getting straight-to-DVD releases in 2006 and 2009, respectively, but now Hollywood believes it’s time to give the series a do-over.

According to Variety, FilmEngine and Benderspink have joined forces for a reboot on the Ashton Kutcher-led film, bringing back original co-writer/co-director Eric Bress to pen a new script. While no director has been found yet — nor any word on casting or plot details — the original followed the Jobs star with time travel abilities to fix his past mistakes, leading to (gasp!) unforeseen consequences. We can’t imagine anyone was clamoring for this news, but the concept certainly has many possibilities, so it’s not exactly surprising producers are going to the well again. In the meantime, relive nine years ago with the original trailer below.

Do you want to see a reboot to The Butterfly Effect?

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